What We Do
Running your own business can be very rewarding, and that’s not just financially, “being your own boss” can be hard work but hugely liberating. Lack of fulfilment and opportunity inspire many people to start their own businesses and by working for themselves, they are able to reap the rewards of their talent by making a living doing what they do best.
The trouble is, doing what you do best takes up a great deal of time and in reality, most people find themselves spending as much, if not more time, buried in a minefield of paperwork. Dealing with Government in the form of Her Majesties Revenue & Customs (HMRC), with the risk of fines and penalties if something isn’t quite right or on time, is always a worry, to say the least of balancing books, payroll, quotes and the multitude of everyday administration that comes with every business.
Spectrum Office Solutions can help and guide you through this process, explaining what is needed and making the start of your business and thereafter as you trade, as pain free as possible!
There are many online resources for those starting a business, not least of which from HMRC themselves, but I have summarised on the following pages the basic requirements for setting up as a sole-trader or Limited Company.
I know it looks a bit daunting, but don’t panic! If this is your chosen path, we can definitely help.